日本 Machino Mosquito Killer Lamp 滅蚊燈/營燈

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PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

↑灰白 (PMACMAC003903)

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

↑黑 (PMACMAC003904)

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC003903 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

PMACMAC00390 Machino 滅蚊燈/營燈 Portable Mosquito Killer Lamp

※ 由於產品連內置電池,因此一律只提供香港地區寄送;如客人仍要訂購,請務必在下單前清楚確認是否可以發貨至相關的海外送貨地點,並需自行安排物流取貨發貨!如最後因此而要取消訂單,本店一概不會承擔因此而引起的相關手續費用。 ※


1. 滅蚊模式:單擊滅蚊按鍵進入滅蚊模式,此時誘蚊指示紫燈長亮,同時螺旋高壓網進入高壓形態。
2. 驅蚊模式:再次單擊按鍵,進入驅蚊模式,驅蚊指示紅燈長亮,再單擊按鍵關閉驅蚊或滅蚊功能。
3. 開啟照明:單擊照明按鍵進入照明模式,單擊第一次,進入第一檔燈,依次為三個檔位。單擊第四次為關閉照明模式。(照明燈為白光)

顏色:灰 / 黑
重量:304 g
尺寸:13.5 x 13.5 x 10 cm
電池容量:2000mAh 7.4Wh
輸出:1800 - 2200V
充電輸入:DC 5V-1A




-Warning: Danger! High voltage! Please keep out of reach from kids to avoid electric shock! The anti-mosquito mode works on high-voltage DC, which will produce a certain intensity of sparks. It is strictly forbidden to touch the metal mesh while charging and working. It is strictly forbidden to use in the environment of flammable gas, gas or explosive materials or dangerous chemicals.
-There is high voltage in the metal net when the Mosquito killer lamp is working. Please keep out of reach from children to avoid electric shock. Please do not touch the metal net with hands or metal things.
-Forbidden to operate in the condition of easily flammable, explosive gas or liquid, and please do not sparkle by touching the metal conductive materials on the metal net.
-Please turn off the power switch when not in use.
-Do not expose the product to rain or moisture. When the climate is humid, the mosquito killer lamp may absorb moisture and become a low pressure, which will reduce the effect of mosquito killing. At this time, please use a dryer to dry it in time, or dry it in the sun, and the effect of the mosquito killer lamp will recover automatically.
-To ensure the service life of battery, if there is no obvious effect for killing mosquito and insects, then the voltage is relatively low, please stop using it and recharge in time. When it is charging, please do not flip the switch or touch the metal net, the longest charging time shall not exceed 12 hours. If don't use it for a long, please charge it for every two months, and keep it in a dry place to avoid the wet weather.
-After killing the mosquitoes and insects, please brush out the carcasses on the metal net with a small brush. To avoid a short circuit, it is forbidden to wash it in water.
-During use, there should be no flammable materials nearby. Can not be placed on the ground, please put it on the table or hang it. (it is not applicable or stored in the places like barn, livestock shed, gas station and explosive dust sites.)
-To avoid damaging the metal net, please don't swing to the hard things or pinch the metal net.
-Inside the battery there are some toxic substance which may result in the pollution to the environment, therefore before you abandon the swatter, please take it to the official waste collection site to dispose and take out the battery. The battery should be disposed by the official waste collection sile.
-When replacing mosquito coils or cleaning products, please turn off the anti-mosquito function before removing the A shell.

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